Sunday, December 19, 2004

Let me tell everyone about this person, whom i shall call A.

In A's life, it's always A, Do this. A do that.
It's never A do this Please.

In A's life, it's always A, listen to me.
It's never A what do you think?

When A is given a chance to allocate work, the people whom he commands go:
A, u r in charge. u do all la.

When A wants to do something that he really wants, he is never given the chance.

When A is given the chance, he screws up.

When he screws up, it's always A u arre so stupid. u cant do it at all. its your fault.
It's never, A, don't worry. We'll support u. try again.

To A, there is never a next time.

To A, there is never an opportunity.

To A, life is just standing as a supporting role.

To A, life is just being a background character.

To A, no one cares.

No prizes for guessing who A is.
I'll tell u.
It's me.

When do u ever see me with a chance to shine in glory?
When do u ever see me being acknowledged with a job well done? (oh yes of course the for scoring well that's all.)
When do u ever see me being appreciated for being there?
When do u ever see me being indispensable?
When do u ever see me playing an important role?
When do u ever see me not trying?
When do u ever see me not putting a mask on my face, acting childish, smiling, making sure everyone is happy, even when I am feeling damn pissed or upset inside?
When do u ever see me get my way?
When do u ever see me get a chance to do what others can do, to try, and maybe even to improve, and do better than others, instead of being rejected immediately?
When do u ever see me not being insulted in one way or another, direct in the face?

who is there, when i cry, to tell me not to worry, and that everything will be better?
who is there, when i cry, to lend me a shoulder to lean on?
who is there, when i cry, to give me a pat and ask me to hang on?
who is there, when i cry, to give me a hug and help me to carry on?
who is there, when i cry, to sit next to me, and listen to my woes?
who is there?

who truly understands me?

who cares anyway?

no one even bothers to read this.
to others, Chee Hang is just there.
If he's not, no matter someone can replace him.
how insignificant.

i want a chance.



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