Saturday, December 25, 2004

to all my friends, companions, associates, people who know me but i dun know you, and people who happen to pass by:

At this time of the year, I want to say that all of you have made a difference in my life in some ways this year, some more, some less, but all have been there, and i thank you. love you all.
Have a happy christmas, and a blessed one at that =o)

it took me 17 years and a few christmas parties and carolling sessions to see a glimpse of what christmas is like, and i shall treasure those who made it possible for me.

seeing all old faces again, and some very dear ones too, made me feel warm. what a pity, christmas comes only once a year.

happy christmas once again.

its this time of the year that stirs memories, and i want to speak about them to someone, but who is that someone?

at this point, im making use of my blog to reach out to someone i have lost. and never has i found someone as good as this person has been.

here's a message to a very very dear friend, someone whom i miss greatly. u might not even have a chance to read this, but i hope that u will know about it somehow.
My darling...
one year ago today, i sat in front of the keyboard missing you, hoping somehow i could see you again. wondering where you are, how you will spend your christmas. crying that somehow u will not forget me.
one year later today, i sit in front of this same keyboard, still missing you, but here also thanking you for the very special moments in my life.
indeed it has been a wonderful time i spent with you, and i am not going to regret it. but if circumstances were different, and we were not who we are, we could have been together more. yet sometimes life is just unfair.
more than a year ago, we realised we couldnt be together anymore, and we had to move on. i already have, and i believe u have too. though i do not see you anymore, i do know that u will have a great time without me.
the special moments in our lives, with those who love us so... and so the song goes. yes it was indeed special. as u used to say, im the most wonderful thing that has happened to you. and i must say u are the most wonderful thing that has happened to me too. yet we both know, our time was limited. but we were young, naive, and unafraid. we went into the unknown, living each day like there is no other. we spent some wonderful time together, a long long time at that. but we now know, we were not meant to be.
i still dream of you sometimes, and u will always be in my memory. though our paths may never meet again, there will be times in my life when i look at some things and i remember you. the way you look, the way you behave. the way you look into my eyes, and they peace in yours. the way you smile so sweetly, and the precious tears from your eyes.

thanks to you, i have found strength. courage. and confidence in myself. you were there when i was at my lowest point, you were there when the bad news came. you were there, but now you aren't. but you have given me strenth, and thank you.
as i say all this, my heart aches. though it has been a long time, i still feel for you. u have always been the weaker one, and i dun blame you if you cry again. but be strong my dear, and i wish you strength.
in this time of festivities, i wish you a happy christmas, and a happy new year. though you may not even read this at all, wherever you are, remember me, and have a jolly good time. i'll miss you greatly, for the past year of joy.
Love, Chee Chee.


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