Friday, October 31, 2003

been thinking about all those things that has been going on... it realli does seem that i cause you hurt, grief... even though u dun say so... i realli hope that all these will change in time to come... hopefully soon... when we can actually hav more freedom and time for us...

Thursday, October 30, 2003

yay... finally got my prelim results le... 8 points... hopefully that is good enuff for RJ without pulling strings at all... haha...

prac are all over... now anxiously waiting for writen papers to start... hmm....

Saturday, October 18, 2003

i'm sick... juz 2 weeks b4 the o levels and in the midst of the mock exams and im sick!!! how could that happen...

gosh... somehow i regret going to TJC open house... kind of like it there... but do i reali wan to go there? help.... well, RJ still has a chance of attracting me... hahaz...

Thursday, October 16, 2003

heeZ... long time no say... hahaz... now prelim results postponed... 2 more weeks... AHHHH i cant wait... hahaz... thinking of whether the moderations would be in my favour... then maybe i can go RJ for first 3 months... the music programme there is good...
yay... im not going to die... so happy... my liver fine... for now... hahaz...


Monday, October 06, 2003

stupid prelims... stupid pple... pls lorz... izzit my fault u got bad results? izzit anyone's fault at all? we should all be getting good results! when did it turn into a crime for getting better results? then where would most pple be in? jail? pls lorz... im so disappointed already still hav to face all these... and its not like my results are good lorz... fine, granted, better than yours. but is that reason enuff to spite me, to irritate me? jealous? go ahead and be, but what for! you know perfectly well how easily you can achieve what i can...

haiz... L1R5 11 lorz... where to go...